Shaun the Sheep (diterjemahkan secara kasar sebagai Shaun si Domba) adalah serial televisi animasi untuk anak-anak yang berasal dari Inggris. Di Inggris, Shaun si Domba tayang di BBC One, sedangkan di Indonesia animasi ini tayang di MNCTV setiap hari dan di B-Channel pada hari Senin-Jumat.

Shaun the Sheep
The core of this animated series about Shaun who has the intelligence of a human being, kerativitas, and behavior in a farm environment. In the episode of Shaun the Sheep, there's always a good issue of his own flock or from a breeder who made Shaun "intervene" solve the problem. A variety of amusing scenes are also presented in this animated series. Repeatedly the flock away from Bitzer (though sometimes Bitzer himself participated in the adventure), and also to avoid discovery by the Farmer, as a herd of sheep breeders do not want to interfere in their adventure (although sometimes Breeders eventually participate in the adventure)
Shaun the Sheep are animated like the classic silent comedy, because there is no dialogue or conversation with the language shown in this animation, even humans. However, some expressions are added as a simple growl, bleat, or some other expressions like humans who symbolizes the mood of each
Shaun the Sheep
Shaun the Sheep
The main character
Shaun, the leader of the flock of sheep who live on a farm. Shaun is a sheep smart and good friends with Bitzer.
- Bitzer, dogs are loyal to the breeder and is a friend of Shaun. Shaun Bitzer helpful to solve the problem.
- Shirley, one of the most fun to eat lamb. Therefore, Shirley is the largest sheep of the flock of sheep led by Shaun.
- Timmy, a baby lamb and a cousin of Shaun. Her mother was always there to keep him safe. Timmy also exists in the animated series Timmy Time.
- Timmy's mother, always wearing rollers in her hair and a bit sloppy for a mother's duty, even occasionally using Timmy as a paint brush. But when his son was lost, he entertained until Timmy safely back in her care. He was also the aunt of Shaun.
- Flocks of Sheep, a large flock of sheep who are happy and like a family: love to play and make mischief together, although usually Shaun and Bitzer who ended the chaos.
- Ranchers, one minor character in this series. He runs a sheep farm with Bitzer. He really is not aware of the intelligence or stupidity even the sheep.
- Herd of pigs, three pigs are always trying to antagonize the flock and get them in trouble. However, they are afraid of bullies Bitzer and Shaun and his flock.
- Pidsley, a cat who were hostile to Shaun, Bitzer and the flock leader Shaun.
timmy the Sheep
timmy Shaun the Sheep
Timmy's mother, always wearing rollers in her hair and a bit sloppy for a mother's duty, even occasionally using Timmy as a paint brush. But when his son was lost, he entertained until Timmy safely back in her care. He was also the aunt of Shaun.
Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the Sheep
Minor Characters
- Rooster, is a chicken, which appears on every opening of the series Shaun the Sheep
- Females chicken, never appeared as an episode of "Who's the Mummy" (episode: Shaun So Mother), when he left the nest to find a new nest. When he returned to his cage, he found his children disappear, and then go looking for them. Various ways he did, until finally he found his son in arms Shaun
- Chicks, the chicks that never appeared in the episode "Who's the Mummy", when the chicks hatch and look at her arms they are only Shaun, so they think Shaun being a mother and continue to follow Shaun, the actual their actions interfere with Shaun.
- Duck, has appeared in episodes of "Off The Baa!" when he suffered damage by Shaun, in the episode "Tidy Up" (Work Bakti) when he was sucked by a vacuum cleaner when a flock of sheep to clean up garbage, and in episodes of "Bath Time" (Time Bath) when he went straight to the pool where the water cold and freeze and eventually helped Shaun.
- Mower Mouth goats are goats that teus eat what's in front of him even if it rocks. He appeared in episodes of "Mower Mouth" (Goat Mower) when he becomes the center of attention because of the nature of feeding the flock, and in episodes of "Saturday Night Shaun" (Night Fever Sunday) when he was invited to party at home to herd sheep.
- The bull, a bull is aggressive, irritable, and resentful toward the red color. He never appears in the episode "The Bull" (Beware of the Bull fierce), as she annoying flock of sheep, has also appeared in episodes of "Saturday Night Shaun", when he became the "unexpected visitor" to the party Saturday night Shaun, in the episode "Who's The Mummy?", and in the episode "Heavy Metal Shaun" (Making the Statue) when using a metal detector's Shaun breeders who eventually invited the bull.
- The birds, sometimes appear, one in the episode "fetching" (Playing Freesbies) when one of the birds carried freesbies played Bitzer.
- Lola, is an ewe that had appeared in the episode "Two's Company" when he became part of the flock because he misdirected goal.
- She-Bitzer, is a female shepherd who never appears in the episode "fetching" when he played with Bitzer.
- Another herd, is a wolf who pretended to be disguised as sheep in the episode "Foxy laddie", so he could go into a flock of sheep and can eat Timmy.